Thursday, November 13, 2014

Institute for Integrative Nutrition - A Community of Confidence

Imagine walking into a room, where you know at once everyone there is your soul mate. Imagine a group of happy, motivated, excited people who all want to connect with you and lift you up. Imagine a scenario where you turn to the person next to you, who you have never met, and tell them your deepest fears and dreams, and you feel no fear, only true love and support. That is how I felt when I attended my very first Institute for Integrative Nutrition Live Conference in New York City.
Ever since January of 2014 when I enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I felt as if I found my purpose, and I found a group of people who completely understood me.
Self- trust is something all of us have and it is a very powerful ability. Often it is hard to channel it and put it to use. I find that surrounding myself with fellow IIN’ers is helping me to succeed, and follow my passions, by strengthening my ability to trust myself and my beliefs. There is comfort found when you are around like-minded individuals who support your opinions, instincts and desires. This comfort is perhaps an unexpected benefit of enrolling at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition because once an IIN Conference is over you can continue to feel the love and support online through your class Facebook Group as well as the IIN Facebook Community. This comfort allows you to harness your self-trust, allowing you to feel an incredible confidence being in your own skin. You feel happy, relaxed, clear-headed and able to stand up for what matters to you and pursue your dreams.
 I came home from The IIN Conference a different person than when I left.  What do I mean by that? Well, uniting with this community transforms you. The inspiration and energy I gained watching speakers like Dr. Oz, or Andrew Weil is different than what I get from reading a book. Seeing these speakers interact with the crowd and respond made me feel and experience the power that one person has to impact hundreds.  I left feeling strengthened with a confidence to make the world a happier, healthier more welcoming place. I was bursting with joy and fantastic ideas that I could not wait to share with others.  I felt supported and united with others because I know we share a common goal. As Andrew Weil said at the conference, an important component of a healthy lifestyle is feeling like you are part of a caring community. Perhaps that is why I always feel so wonderful whenever I interact with my fellow IIN Students, it is making me healthy!!
With just One IIN Module remaining before I graduate from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition , I find myself reflecting back on this past year. It is hard to believe all of the positive changes I have experienced this past year both mentally and physically. I will forever be grateful to IIN for what I have learned, because not only have I been given the tools to start an amazing business, but this journey has done so much for my personal health and well-being as well. Thank you IIN for helping me reignite my self-trust, discover my passion, and create a ripple effect that will change the world.

Gratefully yours,

Suzy Harmon

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