Monday, January 4, 2016

The Secret to Sticking to your New Year's Resolutions

Happy, healthy 2016!!

Wow! My gym was so crowded this morning I actually had to wait for a machine for the first time in a while. I wonder what it will look like 2 weeks from now at the gym?? I remember last year the same thing happened, and by early February it was back to normal at the gym and many of the new folks were nowhere to be found.

Why does this happen?

In working with many clients over the past year, and in my Nutrition School studies, I have learned that many of these people are missing a key understanding. They do not have the most important piece of information on how to change their health habits. What is that key? ....Awareness.

As Deepak Chopra says "The body is a physical reflection of choices you make over a lifetime. Knowledge is important, but adding more good advice is not the solution to healthy eating (and living). The solution is to transform your awareness."

In my coaching program I teach clients how this transformative awareness works, and why and how they can achieve it.

Become aware of why you are eating - I mean really aware!! Do you respond to triggers without even thinking. Are you really just stressed, angry, upset, seeking comfort, bored or unfulfilled??

Become aware of how you are eating - If you are busy or distracted while you are eating you will tend to overeat. Are you in front of a TV? Online? With other people who are eating CRAPPY food you don't really want but feel pressured? Just trying to clean your plate without focusing on how hungry you really are? Rushing and not chewing and breathing?

Become aware of how your body feels - Your body wants to move, but movement is personal. Pay attention to what kind is right for you. If your muscles are strained, if you feel aches, if you are not getting proper sleep and making poor food choices, you will feel sluggish and you will not stay motivated to continue with your exercise routine.

Start slow if you have not been exercising much. Get up at least once an hour everyday stand and stretch and move. Your blood fat and blood sugar levels mount when you sit still, by moving you restore those levels. Add in some walking outside, and then add a few minutes of vigorous exercise to warm your muscles up. Maybe try some yoga. Increase your awareness of what type of exercise makes you feel happy, connected, balanced and clears your mind. If your exercise choice feels like a chore you will not stay motivated and you will stop by mid February.

My 2016 Harmonious Health Motto
Be easy on yourself
Take extra time to make good choices about food and exercise
Speak positively to yourself
Stop judging
Be patient, don't look for instant solutions. It took you a lifetime to build the body you have, it will take more than just a few weeks to change it.

As always, I am here to support you in any way I can! If you have health goals, need support, accountability or guidance please reach out. I love my work as a health coach and I love watching someone become the happiest version of themselves.

Wishing you all much happiness and success in 2016.
Harmoniously yours,
Health and Wellness Coach

Email Suzy

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