Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Finding Peace with your Food

Are you feeling stressed, rushed, or scattered as if you are being pulled in too many directions. Are there too many demands on your time?  I hear from so many of my clients that they do not have the "time" to cook and plan their meals because they are so busy, and sometimes they can't even stop to find time for lunch until late in the day.

What I have learned through my own experiences, and from working with clients who are successful, is that prioritizing time to shop, prep and cook your food will actually ground you in a way that will help you feel centered and calm. Learning to embrace and schedule the time needed to prepare your meals for the week renews you, and makes you feel in control of your life and your choices. It actually give you more focus to prioritize all of the demands on your time. Clients tell me that taking out the time to meal plan, cook and enjoy the process as well as their food, surprisingly has given them more time to do the things they need to accomplish. Perhaps this is a result of being more in tune with nature, having better energy, and trusting yourself and your intuition more.

Here are some ways to help you slow down, and enjoy your mealtimes, especially during the busy workday during lunch.  At your next meal see if you can chew each mouthful of food 100 times per bite. Maybe try 50, or 20. If you become more aware of each bite, and practice chewing with intention, you will notice that you feel fuller faster and your food will taste better.  Encourage your friends and family to chew as well. The more you chew, the easier your digestion will be. This is due to the fact that saliva contains digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew,  the more time these enzymes have to start breaking down your food, making it easier on your stomach and small intestine.  Another tip, try eating with chopsticks to help you slow down, relax and enjoy your meal.

I leave you with this quote from Michio Kushi, a macrobiotic educator and natural food pioneer, from
his book "One Peaceful World"...

       " Peace begins in the kitchen and pantries, gardens and backyards, where food is grown and prepared. The energies of nature and the infinite universe are absorbed through the foods we eat and are transmuted into our thoughts and actions"

Fondly, Suzy

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