Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Important Messages Your Digestive System is Sending You About Your Health

Do you want to feel more confident with the food choices you make? Do you want more energy and clearer thinking? Do you want to walk into your closet knowing you can wear anything and it will look and feel great?

We need to create time to take care of our health, the time will not just appear. I am motivated to help people whenever they call me after receiving a scary diagnosis from their doctor, wanting to improve their health habits. I always wish people could be motivated to make changes before they receive a diagnosis. It seems many of us run on auto-pilot, not paying attention to signs our body is giving us that something is not right.

Clients are often shocked when I tell them that a healthy digestive system should include 1-3 bowel movements a day. A poor digestive system is an indication that something is not right in your body and can lead to lower immunity, inflammation and a host of chronic illnesses. If you are experiencing recurring bloating, constipation, reflux, gas these are all signs that your digestive system may need help.

I have a 4-part System that takes busy men & women struggling to eat well and manage stress to find simple strategies and habits that allow them to feel great and accomplish more in their lives in six months. My clients experience improved energy levels, leading to more productivity at work, time to socialize with friends and family, and pursue their passions.

As a Health Coach I am on my client's side providing them with support, walking them through their problems and toward their goals. To learn more about working with me, sign up for a complimentary health consultation where we can meet in person or on the phone. My coaching program will give you results in a way you can manage and not feel overwhelmed. Visit my website and contact me here or call me at 214-293-7768.

Harmoniously yours,

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